A Deep Dive into Handheld LiDAR 3D Scanners


Handheld LiDAR 3D Scanners �C The Next Step in 3D Technology!

LiDAR technology is considered as one of the most significant technological advancements in the field of surveying and mapping. Its major advantage is the ability to capture high-precision 3D information at relatively high speed. The advent of handheld LiDAR 3D scanners has only made the technology more easily accessible to professionals and hobbyists alike. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into handheld LiDAR 3D scanners, exploring the technology, their applications, and the top products in the market.

What is LiDAR technology, and how do handheld LiDAR 3D scanners work?

LiDAR technology is a laser scanning technique that measures the distance between the scanner and the target object to create high-precision 3D models. These models can range from building fa?ades, archaeological sites, and in-vehicle use cases. The technology works by sending out laser pulses which bounce off objects, and the time taken for the laser to return is used to calculate the distance. The scanner then generates millions of points to create a 3D mesh.

Handheld LiDAR 3D scanners are essentially portable devices that combine hardware and software to capture geo-referenced 3D point clouds. The scanner consists of a laser sensor, an inertial measurement unit (IMU), and a camera. The IMU tracks the position and orientation of the scanner, and the camera provides contextual data, such as color and texture. These devices are particularly useful when it comes to capturing small objects or environments with limited accessibility.

Applications of handheld LiDAR 3D scanners

The applications of handheld LiDAR 3D scanners are vast, ranging from architecture, cultural heritage, and forestry to accident reconstruction and crime scene investigation. Here are some of the top applications of handheld LiDAR 3D scanners.

Architecture and Construction

One of the most notable applications of handheld LiDAR 3D scanners is in architecture and construction. These scanners can capture precise measurements of buildings and enable architects to create detailed 3D models for renovation or restoration projects. The technology is particularly useful when dealing with complex architectural designs or historical buildings that require extensive documentation.

Cultural Heritage Preservation

Handheld LiDAR 3D scanners are also invaluable in cultural heritage preservation, particularly in documenting and restoring archaeological sites and artifacts. LiDAR scanning can capture 3D models of historical objects and sites that can be used for research and restoration purposes. Additionally, the technology can also be used to digitize museum collections, enabling broader access to cultural heritage objects.

Forestry and Environmental Management

Handheld LiDAR 3D scanners have applications in forestry management, allowing for the creation of 3D models, accurate tree location mapping, and biomass measurement. These capabilities are particularly useful when analyzing forest growth and changes over time, which helps support forest management and planning.

Accident Reconstruction

Handheld LiDAR 3D scanners can also be used for accident reconstruction in the field of forensic science. These scanners capture physical evidence in a 3D environment, allowing for a better understanding of what happened during an accident, which ultimately helps in investigations and accident reconstruction.

Top Handheld LiDAR 3D Scanners in the market

Now that we have some idea of the power of handheld LiDAR 3D scanners, let's explore the top handheld LiDAR 3D scanners in the market.

3D Robotics Site Scan

The 3D Robotics Site Scan is a high-performance handheld LiDAR 3D scanner designed for mapping, inspection, and surveying. It relies on the Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR sensor to deliver high-quality 3D point clouds at rapid speeds. Additionally, the scanner has a built-in GPS and IMU, which allows for accurate geo-referencing and contextual data.


The GeoSLAM ZEB-HORIZON is a lightweight, handheld LiDAR 3D scanner that delivers high-quality data in real-time. The scanner relies on GeoSLAM's Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping (SLAM) technology, which enables the scanner to capture data accurately without relying on GPS. Additionally, the scanner has an IP64 rating, which means it is resistant to dust and water.

FARO Freestyle 2

The FARO Freestyle 2 is a lightweight, handheld LiDAR scanner that produces high-quality 3D point clouds in real-time. The scanner has a range of up to 3 meters and can capture up to 88,000 points per second. Additionally, the scanner has a built-in color camera that captures contextual data which enhances 3D models.

Leica RTC360

The Leica RTC360 is a versatile handheld LiDAR 3D scanner that delivers exceptional performance in the field of architecture, construction, and forensics. The scanner can capture up to 2 million points per second, which makes it ideal for large-scale projects. Additionally, the scanner has a dual-camera system that captures panoramic images and enhances color contrast.


Handheld LiDAR 3D scanners have revolutionized the way professionals capture high-precision 3D models in various industries. The technology is still in its nascent stage, and we can expect more advancements and innovations in this field in the near future. The applications are almost endless, and as more industries discover the potential of handheld LiDAR 3D scanners, we expect to see further integrations and enhanced features. It is an exciting time for the world of 3D technology, and handheld LiDAR 3D scanners are leading the way!


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